10:10 social media environmentalists and Local Councillor Anna Birley visit Brixton Energy
At Repowering we realise that the power of your work needs to be supported by effective storytelling, be it through social media, holding events such as the Community Energy London event last week or engagement with the community.
In this modern age there are many ways of having your voice heard, and although we can often get frustrated with the sense of disempowerment we may feel, we should remember that collective change is made up by many individuals coming together.
Over the last few weeks the Brixton Energy program took an insight into the world of 10:10 who encourage people to take action against climate change by engaging them on the world’s favourite social media networks. With clever use of statistics, design and content they are consistently reaching more people around the UK and even the world. Following a social media master session with Kris Tan, 10:10 engagement master mind, the interns developed their own social media strategies for eco-businesses that they have been occupied with throughout the course.
The following week the Brixton Interns took a turn at advocacy with Thurlow Park Councillor Anna Birley making the short trip down from Brixton Hill.
We looked into some of the key issues facing young people in our society, including police stop and search policy, safety of high risers, exams and higher education and even the colonisation of football by big money!
The process of starting a campaign for social reform was outlined; identifying a social issue, gathering the evidence and support of allies and taking the campaign to those who can make the change.
For some participants this was a first taste of local politics and focussing on big issues but we think with the great ideas being raised, it won’t be the last.
what a brilliant idea. Keep going! Good luck with all your future projects and may there be many more of them!